Multicultural Postdoctoral Residency

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Description of Residency

The Multicultural Postdoctoral Residency is a 1500-hour program beginning August 4, 2025 and ending July 31, 2026 with the option to end earlier upon completion of hours. Postdoctoral Residents will be expected to perform all the duties of a generalist clinician in a comprehensive multicultural university counseling center and will receive supervision according to the State of California Board of Psychology guidelines. Duties include but are not limited to: short-term individual, group, and couples counseling; possible supervision of psychology interns; counseling assessment and referral; crisis intervention; consultation with students, faculty, staff, and parents; and development of campus outreach activities for a target population (e.g., International students, students who identify with a specific religious group, students with disabilities, LGBT Resource Center, Cross-cultural center). The Multicultural Postdoctoral Residency also provides the opportunity to develop or continue an area of emphasis regarding cultural diversity.

Applicants will need to indicate their area of interest for the specialization in their cover letter/letter of interest.

Due to the unique professional development needs of Postdoctoral Residents, we encourage involvement in numerous forms of training and supervision of interns. Postdoctoral Residents attend Social Justice and Outreach Seminar, attend a Supervision of Supervision or Professional Development seminar, provide (with a licensed psychologist) supervision to the psychology intern group supervision, and may have the opportunity to provide secondary supervision (30 minutes per week) to an intern.

Multicultural Postdoctoral Residency Emphasis Area

Due to CAPS' commitment to the development of practitioners who promote social justice and consistently work from a multicultural lens, Postdoctoral Residents are provided supervision and training as they develop an area of focus related to a specific cultural group or topic related to multiculturalism and diversity. The Multicultural Postdoctoral Residents are expected to engage in these activities as part of increasing their competency regarding the selected area of focus. The training coordinator, primary supervisor, and/or project mentor will provide support and guidance throughout these steps.

Residency Components

There are four major component areas of the Training Program. These areas are Cultural Diversity, Training (including Supervision), Direct Service, and Indirect Service.

Cultural Diversity

This component is considered one of the most important of the training program for Postdoctoral Residents and is woven throughout all other components. Cultural diversity themes appear in individual and group sessions, supervision, in the outreach programming in which Postdoctoral Residents take part, in the training seminar presentations, and in clinical meetings. In addition, there are many seminar experiences focusing on self-awareness of cultural identities. Additionally, CAPS hosts an annual one-day Multicultural Training Day conference, which Postdoctoral Residents attend. Postdoctoral Residents have the option to deliver presentations at the conference.


Tentative Seminars Attended by Postdoctoral Residents 

Supervision of Supervision Seminar

The Supervision of Supervision Seminar is facilitated by a licensed psychologist and attended by only Postdoctoral Residents. The opportunity to provide supervision to an intern is dependent on the number of interns/available, the requirements set forth by the internship/practicum training program, and with approval from the resident's primary supervisor and Training Committee. Postdoctoral Residents may also obtain supervision experience by co-facilitating outreach activities, workshops, and groups with an intern.

Social Justice and Outreach Seminar

The Social Justice and Outreach Seminar occurs during the Fall semester and is led by a licensed psychologist. Interns will discuss the role of psychologists in addressing social justice issues that may prevent or alleviate mental health struggles; explore the relationship between social justice and the development of outreach services and programs; and may help in developing specialization areas in which they focus their outreach and group efforts (e.g., LGBT student services, cross-cultural center, international students, substance abuse, eating disordersand body image, suicide prevention). Postdoctoral Residents are asked to come in periodically to help present on their multicultural project, but will not be required to attend weekly meetings.

Seminars Co-Facilitated by Postdoctoral Residents

Co-Facilitating Intern Group Supervision

Postdoctoral Residents may have the opportunity to co-lead Intern Group Supervision for one semester out of the academic year. Group Supervision will be co-led with a licensed psychologist and is attended by the psychology interns. Group supervision provides a forum for the psychology interns to discuss clinical work and improve clinical skills, whereas it is an opportunity for the Postdoctoral Residents to provide clinical guidance, practice ethical decision making, and develop their identity as a supervisor.

Supervision/Case Consultation

Individual (1:1) Supervision (all trainees)

CAPS meets or exceeds the supervision requirement in the Board of Psychology's Supervised Professional Experience (SPE) regulation. Postdoctoral Residents will be provided with supervision for at least 10% (4 or 4.5 hours) of the total time worked each week. Postdoctoral Residents will have at least one hour per week of individual supervision for the training year.

Supervisor assignments for the Fall semester are made by the Training Committee. All trainees are required to change supervisors during the second semester to obtain a breadth of orientations, techniques, and styles. For the second semester, trainees' preferences for supervisors are solicited and considered in assignments made by the Training Committee. Every effort is made to match requests.

Group Supervision

Group supervision occurs one hour per week. Group supervision is led by a licensed psychologist and is attended by the Postdoctoral Residents. Group supervision provides a forum for discussing clinical work and improving clinical skills, as well as professional development issues.

Clinical Consultation Meeting

This weekly meeting is for all clinicians, psychiatrists, and trainees. It is an opportunity to present cases to one another and engage in consultation. The emphasis in the meeting is on viewing our work as an interdisciplinary team effort to provide the best possible service to students.

Audio/Video Recording

Postdoctoral residents are highly encouraged to record most of their sessions and are required to record 10 sessions per semester for training purposes. 

Direct Service

Direct service hours are provided through individual, couple, and group counseling sessions; outreach presentations; assessment and crises coverage, and providing supervision. Postdoctoral Residents are expected to deliver 22.5 hours per week in Fall semester and 24.5 hours of direct service per week in the Spring.

Individual/Couple Psychotherapy

Postdoctoral Residents are expected to accrue the majority of the direct service hours through work with individual clients and/or couples. The size of the caseload varies considerably depending on whether clients are seen weekly or less often. Clinical load may also vary during slower times of the year, such as winter break and the beginning of Fall semester, and higher during peak times such as midterms and finals.


Postdoctoral Residents may be involved in providing group therapy. Formation of groups will be discussed in orientation, individual and group supervision. Groups are supervised by the licensed clinician co-leading the group, or the designated supervisor.

Outreach, Workshops, and Consultation 

Residents are encouraged to be involved in various CAPS programming. Residents are encouraged to provide outreach programming and present psycho-educational workshops. Topics may include: stress management, procrastination, time management, cross-cultural communication skills, sleep hygiene, and many more. Residents may also be part of programs presented during re-occurring campus events such as Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Transgender Awareness Week, or African American History month. Residents may establish liaison relationships with any number of student organizations or offices, including: Gender Equity Center, MOSAIC Cross-Cultural Center, Athletics Department, Residence Life, Accessible Education Center, The Greek System, Mental Health Ambassadors (student group de-stigmatizing mental health services), and Peers In Pride (LGBTQ mentoring program) or the Pride Center. Time spent on these projects varies widely. Residents are welcome to suggest programs based on their interest areas.

Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation appointments are generally the entry point for our students to brief therapy services and are designed to assess the student’s presenting concerns, reason for brief therapy services, risk and safety concerns, and treatment plan and/or goals. If it is determined to be appropriate for our brief therapy services, the student is then scheduled for an Individual or Couples Counseling appointment. Postdoctoral Residents will be required to have a minimum of 2 Initial Consultation appointments per week (2 x 1 hour assessments or 2 hours).

Same Day Services

CAPS counselors provide same day appointments during business hours Monday to Friday. Each semester, a variety of same day concerns demand our attention. These may include supporting students during drop-in appointments with an immediate concern, reviewing reports from after-hours services to determine any follow-up plans, responding to requests from faculty or staff to consult about student concerns. Postdoctoral Residents are required to have two 2-hour shifts of Same Day Services coverage (i.e., a total of 4 hours per week) and have a minimum of 1 Web-booked Same Day appointment per week. In addition to the assigned shift, from time to time all counselors may be called upon to assist with crisis situations or coverage for other CAPS counselors.

Postdoctoral Residents are not responsible for after-hour emergency coverage. All after-hours emergency coverage is managed by department administrators.

Indirect Service

Peer Support Meetings 

Each level of trainee group is encouraged to develop a weekly meeting to support each other and process their unique developmental experiences. Meetings may focus on supporting each other through transitions, discussing issues that come up around working in CAPS, and processing the dynamics within the cohort. This experience is optional but highly encouraged for Postdoctoral Residents.

Administrative Time

Postdoctoral Residents schedule time into their weekly schedules to complete their case records, review session recordings, and attend to other administrative tasks. In addition, certain blocks of free time for this will present themselves from time to time (e.g., cancellations, no-shows).

Other Consultation, Club, or Committee Work 

In the past, Postdoctoral Residents have become involved with other organizations that correspond to their own interests. These have included the Career Services; Health Services; MOSAIC Cross-cultural Center; Cesar Chavez Community Action Center; Pride Center; Gender Equity Center; Athletic Department, etc. Postdoctoral Residents also may have the opportunity to sit on search committees (e.g., CAPS’s APA-accredited psychology internship, Multicultural Postdoctoral Residency program).

Attendance at Division or Departmental Meetings and Functions 

As part of CAPS, Postdoctoral Residents attend various meetings throughout the year that involve the staff and faculty, such as Division meetings and functions. CAPS also provides 1-3 trainings per year to all staff which include trainees.

Other Training Opportunities

Case Presentations/Mock Job Interviews 

Postdoctoral Residents, due to their unique developmental needs, are required to complete a form of professional development during the training year. The Postdoctoral Residents will provide one case presentation and a mock job interview. Presentations will be provided to the members of the training committee in a scheduled meeting.

Multicultural Project

Postdoctoral Residents will also complete a special multicultural project that focuses on Postdoctoral Residents’ interest area. Multicultural Postdoctoral Residents will have an opportunity to create or join a project that focuses on a student population. Due to Counseling and Psychological Services’ commitment to the development of practitioners who promote social justice and consistently work within a multicultural lens, Postdoctoral Residents are provided guidance as they develop an area of focus related to a specific cultural group or topic related to multiculturalism and diversity. The Training Coordinator or designee will meet with the postdocs in the Fall Semester to provide initial guidance and connect the postdocs to the appropriate collaborator on campus.

Required Qualifications

Post-Doctoral Residents must have completed the requirements of a terminal academic degree in an accredited PhD, PsyD, or EdD program prior to starting the residency.


The Multicultural Postdoctoral Residency for the 2025-26 cohort will receive $4,370 a month. Postdoctoral Residents will have access to excellent medical and dental benefits as part of the California State University system. Postdoctoral Residents will also have university privileges that include library use, discounts on public transportation, days off for holiday closures, two personal holidays, in addition to paid time off accrual.

Application Procedures

Applications should be submitted by Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 11:59 PM, Pacific Standard Time (PST). It is our hope to notify applicants regarding interview offers around mid- January. Video conference or phone interviews will be offered to select applicants which will occur in January. CAPS will follow the APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Standards and Common Hold Date (CHD; February 24, 2025). However, the position will be open until filled.

Select Apply Now to complete the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Online Employment Application and attach the following documents:

  • Letter of interest which includes a clear statement of your area of interest for the multicultural specialization;
  • Current curriculum vitae that reflects all clinical experiences;
  • Three recent (less than 3 years old) original letters of recommendation, including at least two letters from licensed clinical supervisors); and
  • Transcript of terminal degree (unofficial transcripts/copies are acceptable for the application process, but official transcripts will be required if an offer is made).

菠菜网lol正规平台’s application portal allows 6 uploads total. Please upload as follows:

1.    Cover Letter/Letter of Interest

2.    Curriculum Vitae (CV)

3.    Under “Additional Documents”, select “Portfolio” to upload your transcript.

4-6. Under “Additional Supporting Document” sections #1-3, upload three letters of recommendation.

All application materials need to be submitted by the deadline. Applications that do not include all required materials will not be considered. All letters (i.e., cover letter and letters of recommendation) need to be dated and have original signatures. Please check these materials before submitting.

Questions about the application process should be addressed to:

Stephen Garcia, People Operations Support Coordinator

Phone: 408-924-5934 or Email:

Questions about the program should be addressed to:

Megan Turner-Cabrera, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Training Coordinator

Phone: 408-924-5678 or Email:

Employment Conditions

Faculty employees must complete CSU employee training as assigned and required based on their role (e.g., Data Security, FERPA, Preventing Discrimination and Harassment, Title IX, Health and Safety). Pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and CSU systemwide policy, the faculty member in this position will be subject to ongoing review for designation as a Campus Security Authority (CSA). Individuals designated as Campus Security Authorities are required to immediately report Clery incidents to the institution and to complete Clery Act training as determined by the University Clery Director. Questions regarding CSA designation and training can be sent to the Clery Director at The President may recommend or require compliance with safety measures that decrease the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission or illness and allows the core mission and activities of the campus to continue.

Conditional Offer 

The work for this faculty position is located in the State of California. Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the United States. Satisfactory completion of a background check (including a criminal records check) is required for employment. 菠菜网lol正规平台 will make a conditional offer of employment, which may be rescinded if the background check reveals disqualifying information, and/or it is discovered that the candidate knowingly withheld or falsified information. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect the continued employment of a current employee who was conditionally offered the position.

San José State University: Silicon Valley's Public University 

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley — one of the most innovative regions in the world — San José State University is the founding campus of the 23-campus California State University (CSU) system and the first public university in the West. Recognized as a leading transformative educational institution, San José State is an essential partner in the technological, economic, cultural, and social development of Silicon Valley, the Bay Area, and California. 菠菜网lol正规平台 is a top-200 school nationally in research funding and second highest in research productivity in the CSU system. Cutting-edge research, world-class scholarship, student-centered learning, diverse communities, and commitment to social justice, allow 菠菜网lol正规平台 to provide life-changing opportunities and advance the public good locally and globally.

San José State enrolls more than 36,000 students — many are historically underserved, and around 45% are first-generation and 38% are Pell-recipients. 菠菜网lol正规平台 is a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPISI) Serving Institution. The university’s commitment to social justice extends from its vibrant, inclusive campus to an international network of over 275,000 alumni. As such, San José State is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty so our disciplines, students, and community can benefit from different and divergent cultural and identity perspectives.

Equal Employment Statement 

San José State University prohibits discrimination on the basis of Age, Ancestry, Caste, Color, Disability, Ethnicity, Gender, Gender Expression, Gender Identity, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Military Status, Nationality, Race, Religion, Religious Creed, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Sex Stereotype, and Veteran Status. This policy applies to all San José State University students, faculty, and staff as well as University programs and activities. Reasonable accommodations are made for applicants with disabilities who self-disclose. Note that all San José State University employees are considered mandated reporters under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and are required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 as a condition of employment.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act and Campus Housing Fire Safety Notification

Pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the Annual Security Report (ASR) is also now available for viewing at菠菜网lol正规平台-Annual-Security-Report.pdf. The ASR contains the current security and safety-related policy statements, emergency preparedness and evacuation information, crime prevention and Sexual Assault prevention information, and information about drug and alcohol prevention programming. The ASR also contains statistics of Clery crimes for San José State University locations for the three most recent calendar years. A paper copy of the ASR is available upon request by contacting the Office of the Clery Director by phone at 408-924-1501 or by email at

Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR) is available at菠菜网lol正规平台-Annual-Fire-Safety-Report.pdf. The purpose of this report is to disclose statistics for fires that occurred within 菠菜网lol正规平台 on-campus housing facilities for the three most recent calendar years, and to distribute fire safety policies and procedures intended to promote safety on Campus. A paper copy of the AFSR is available upon request by contacting the Housing Office by phone at 408-795-5600 or by email at